A Message from the Principal

Ericka Blackburn
Assistant Principal:
Jana Jenkins
Assistant Principal:
 Mike Murawski 
 lkk lkk

 third quarter will end on March 13th, and  hopefully Mother Nature will send some warm weather our way.  This year’s Spring break will begin Monday, March 14th, and students will return to school on Monday, March 24th. This is the top of the mountain for us, the rest is downhill.  It’s time to buckle down and finish the year strong.

Memorial students will begin state testing in April. We want to provide Memorial students with every advantage to be successful on the state tests and perform at the high level we know our students are prepared for.  

Memorial STATE  Testing Dates:

Please make every attempt for your student to be present during the testing dates

April 9th

  • English/Language Arts Part One
  • Grades 6th -8th

April 10th

  • English/Language Arts Part Two
  • Grades 6th -8th

April 16th 

  • Math/Algebra I Part One
    • Grades 6th -8th

April 17th 

  • Math/Algebra I Part Two
    • Grades 6th -8th

April  23rd 

  • Science
    • Grade 8


Friday, February 14th, will be a remote asynchronous learning day for our students. This means that students will not have live instruction but will be expected to complete assigned work independently.

Important Details:

  • Date: Friday, February 14th
  • Where to Find Assignments: Students must check each teacher’s daily agenda in Schoology for specific directions and assignments.
  • Due Date: All assignments must be completed and submitted by Tuesday, February 18th.
  • Please remind your student to review all of their teachers’ agendas to ensure they complete the necessary work. If they have any questions, they should reach out to their teachers before Friday for clarification.


Thank you for your support in helping our students stay on track with their learning


We need your assistance ensuring the safety of our students during AM drop off and PM pick up.  Parents should follow the procedures outlined HERE, entering on Hopkins road and looping around Garfield.  Students will not be permitted to cross the parking lot in order to meet their ride, they will wait on the sidewalk area until their parent or guardian arrives.  In addition, we are asking that parents do not park in the side lot to pick up their child.  This interferes with our Special Needs buses.  We appreciate your assistance with this matter.



Enjoy the  LONG weekend!