Dance, Dance, Dance!

Dance Details and Student Expectations 

  • Student Council will be hosting a dance Friday, November 3rd from 4:00-5:30 at MMS. 
  • Theme:  Neon/Glow Dance 
    • This is NOT a formal dance
  • Only MMS students can attend this dance.
  • Tickets will be available to purchase for $5 during lunch periods the week of the dance (10/30-11/3). No tickets will be sold at the door of the dance. Students will need to purchase a ticket prior to the dance to attend. 
  • All school rules apply: 
    • Bookbags/drawstring bags will be placed in students’ lockers and remain there until dismissal from the dance. 
    • PHONES WILL NOT BE PERMITTED at the dance.  They must be kept in students’ lockers and remain there until dismissal.
      • Students will need to be picked up by parents if they bring a phone to the dance.
    • Students may dress for the theme (neon/bright colors), but the school dress code applies. Students should wear their neon/bright colors attire to school on November 3rd; they will not be permitted to change prior to the dance.
  • In order to be permitted to attend after-school activities, students must be in good behavioral standing each quarter.  Students whose behavior results in any of the following consequences may be restricted from attending clubs, sporting events, or other after-school events as spectators for a minimum of one school quarter and may last an entire school year.  These guidelines also apply to school-sponsored dances. 
    • 3 or More Lunch/Office/NCR Detentions OR
    • 2 ASR's OR 
    • 1 Saturday School OR 
    • 1 In-School Restriction (ISR) OR 
    • 1 Out-of-school Suspension OR  
    • Violate the truancy policy
  • Concessions will be sold at the dance (cash only) 
  • End-of-Day Procedure:
    • An announcement will be made during 8th period about dance (reminder about lockers, phones, etc.)
    • Students report to lockers and store all belongings in their locker except for their dance ticket 
    • Students will then report to the auditorium.
    • At 4:00pm, students will be dismissed to the dance rows at a time from the auditorium
  • Staggered Dismissal (End of Dance): 
    • 6th grade: Will be dismissed via the back Garfield doors at 5:15 pm.
    • 7th grade: Will be dismissed via the back Garfield doors at 5:25 pm.
    • 8th grade: Will be dismissed via the front doors at 5:30 pm.
      • If picking up siblings in different grade levels, please pick up in the designated location of the oldest child

Attached Files