High School Algebra Information

May 2021

Dear Parents/Guardians,

As a requirement for high school Algebra Courses, students will need to have a Texas Instrument (TI-84) Graphing Calculator. We do NOT recommend getting a different model. This is a calculator that is used in math courses at the high school, most colleges and on the State Assessments the students will be taking next year. It is also the calculator they can use on their ACT and SAT college tests.

Please note that the price of this calculator is around $120 if purchased new. They are usually on sale during the month of August at office supplies stores, discount department stores or may be found online cheaper. Any edition in the ​TI-84 family​ is fine ​(​NO​ TI-NSpire)​. When you purchase this calculator, please save the points symbol located on the back of the card that comes with the calculator. These points allow the department to purchase technology items used for educational purposes in the classroom.

We hope you have a wonderful summer.​ ​We look forward to seeing you in the fall. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Mrs. Blackburn at 440-974-2250.


8th​ Grade Memorial Math Teachers